New for 2024

Here you can find the upcoming works of me.

Up-and-coming Works


Facing Your Shadow

The Beginners guidebook for journaling your shadow work complete with prompt questions that will heal and aid in your integration journey. I’ll walk you through the process and help you take each new discovery toward healing. You’ll learn to parent your inner child, heal triggers related to childhood trauma, find calm in the eye of the storm, and uncover secret gifts hidden deep in your darkest places.

Lions & Love Series Book Three:

King of Diamonds

While stranded in Dallas, TX, Mandisa finds herself being hunted by a strange, yet highly-sensitive young doctor. He’s silly, intelligent, and handsome beyond words, but there’s a major red flag. Kaliah Morgan is still married to his wife, Trisha. This woman is the nightmare of all the boys’ dreams and with valid reasons.
Though Mandisa is doing her best to stand on her morals, prove her loyalty to the pact, and move accordingly, Dr. Kaliah Morgan is proving too much to resist. The cubs are about to uncover some deeply rooted secrets about themselves and their guardians. When Mami discovers that Mandisa is involved with more than one man, and notices Kaliah’s deep feelings for her daughter, they all get put in the hot seat.
There’s too much going on and Mami isn’t happy when Hakim confesses how seriously ill he actually is to everyone. But Dr. Kaliah Morgan seems to know it all and has a cure, though he’s hiding something so dark that it could possibly end the insanity for everyone, including Mandisa.